Best Credit Cards Search And Apply For A Credit Card

Posted on 2010-06-18 | 0 Comment
Best Credit Cards Search And Apply For A Credit Card Best Offers And Online Application Instant Approval Also All Kind of Loans Visit Us Now Fast ANd Easy Apply Online Looking for a credit card in the US? Compare hundreds of credit cards offers and apply now for quick decisions from the...


Time For A Student Loan Consolidation Loan?

Posted on 2010-06-17 | 0 Comment

If you have taken out several student loans then the time to consolidate could be now. There are several great debtconsolidation loan programs available to help you pull all of your loans together into one easy to make monthly payment. Stay tuned for some helpful information!

Upon completing college, your first job probably paid little while your expenses have been sky high. It is not unusual for grads to have student debt in the neighborhood of $50-100,000 in school loans. New auto payments, credit cards, and living expenses can jack up your debt levels tremendously. You need help and help is available to you in form of a student loanconsolidation loan.

So what is student loan consolidation loan anyway? It is one type of a loan that permits you to take two or more studentloans, pay them off, and make one single monthly payment to one lender. Specifically, if you have three loans owed to three separate lenders, you may always feel that all that you are doing is righting out checks, week in and week out. So, why not combine all three payments into one loan?

One more helpful part about a student loan consolidationloan is that you could possibly reduce your interest rate, stretch out your repayment time, and even borrow a small amount of additional money to pay back other creditors including credit card companies.

So, how do you apply for a student loan consolidation loan? Several ways including: searching online, responding to television advertisements, jotting down a number you hear announced over the radio, etc. Top lending companies are continuously advertising their offerings to consumers and are highly desirous for your business. Simply comparison shop to find theconsolidation loan plan that is right for you.

Before applying for a consolidation loan, there are some things for you to keep in mind:

1. Loan Amount. Will the loan you secure enable you to pay off all of your student debt or only a portion of what you owe? Your lender will likely want to see a proof of income before extending a favorable loan rate to you. Expect copies of your credit reports to be pulled by the lender as well.

2. Loan Rate. Will the loan rate be for a fixed amount or will it be an adjustable rate loan? Consider locking in for a long term fixed rate consolidation loan to ensure your monthly payments remain fixed.

3. Loan Term. Are you able to stand paying back your studentloan consolidation loan for 15 or 20 years? If you pay theloan back early will there be any prepayment penalties? What if you were to default on your loan?

Your options to obtain a student loan consolidation loan has never been better so take full advantage of one additional way for you to consolidate your debt through a student loanconsolidation loan.

Direct Student Loan Consolidation Plans Available

Posted on 2010-06-16 | 0 Comment

A good education comes at a high cost these days. A collegestudent loan is sometimes the only way someone may be able to afford a decent college education. There are different types ofstudent loans. Many times, due to high interest and other unexpected situations that may be out of your control, it is hard to handle the monthly payments. If you are having problems making your student loan payments on time, you should look into a direct student loan consolidation program.

This type of loan will take all of your student loans and consolidate them into one low interest loan. The consolidationwill allow for lower payments at a fixed interest rate that is determined by the average of your loans being rounded to the closest.125 per cent.

If you are having a hard time paying your student loans, thisloan will give you some relief. This will become a new loan and your other loans will be paid off and reported as such on your credit report. Consolidation loans come in many configurations, each one with a different repayment plan. Consider your current situation, what you can afford, and learn about the different plans available before making a decision. This is a fresh start and you want to take advantage of the best possible alternative that fits your finances.

A standard repayment plan will give you ten years to repay, with a fixed monthly payment, tailored to the amount that you owe.

A graduated repayment plan option will have a period of 12 and 30 years to pay off the loan. As its name suggests, on this loanyour monthly payment will increase every two years. This is something to take into consideration if you don't think that your financial situation will change much during that time, as you will be faced with bigger payments eventually.

An extended repayment plan spreads the loan over 30 years. Your monthly payments will be smaller however, at the end of the 30 years, you will end up paying more in interest. This is something to keep in mind. An income contingent repayment plan allows you to repay the debt in 25 years and it takes into consideration the amount owed, your annual gross income, and the size of your family. If you have a steady job, this may work for you.

When you use a direct student loan consolidation, you are starting a new loan for a new period of time and at a new interest rate. If you are almost done paying your student loan off, this may not be an appropriate alternative for you. This alternative should be considered if you are having trouble making yourstudent loan payments. Consider carefully your current situation, both the pros and cons, before deciding on this type ofloan.

Student Loan Consolidation Tips and Tricks

Posted on 2010-06-14 | 0 Comment

Students across the nation are having troubles with their studentloans. If you are experiencing similar problems, you don't have to be ashamed or afraid at all. There are actually options and solutions provided by different parties; these solutions are being made available with the sole purpose of helping students like you cope with their loans after graduating. If you get employed as soon as you finished school, you can easily assess your income and the monthly payments to see if you can afford the current repayment plan. If you can't or you feel that it is too expensive -- due to high interest rates or other charges -- you can easily opt for a student loan consolidation.

To make your first step into solving your problems with the help of loan consolidation, find reliable and trustworthy institutions that are offering beneficial student loan consolidation plans. After sorting out a couple of available offers, you can easily calculate and compare each solution to see which one is the most profitable for your current situation. Don't forget to take your time and find reliable online resource center to gain valuable information and additional useful tools that can help you find thebest loan consolidation plan in no time at all.

Make sure you take monthly payment, interest rate, and other charges into consideration. You would want the consolidationplan to be affordable and not just cheaper than the originalstudent loans you are dealing with. No matter how cheap theconsolidation plan is, it will not work for you if you cannot afford the monthly payment. Plus, you would also have to consider the length of the loan; generally, after being consolidated, they still have the same loan period.

The actual student loan consolidation application process is very swift. You wouldn't have to wait a long time to get approval, and shortly after that they'll be converted into one consolidatedloan. Make sure you know exactly what you are getting into by reading terms and conditions as well as the consolidationagreement before closing the deal, and you will have no trouble at all repaying the loan.

Alternatives to Consumer Bankruptcy

Posted on 2010-06-13 | 0 Comment

Any bankruptcy attorney on his first approach to the client (debtor) will always suggest him/her to find alternatives to bankruptcy. As bankruptcy is really a very reliable option to shed the burden of debts and get rescued from creditors threatening calls, still its pain staking and time consuming when you do not get a veteran bankruptcy attorney. Moreover the bankruptcy law deviates from state to state in US, and thus it can create inconvenience most of the time.

So it is really wise to go for bankruptcy alternative if you really find one, when your debts are in bad shape. Before suggesting alternatives to bankruptcy an attorney needs to study very carefully the nature of your bankruptcy. If it is consumer or individual bankruptcy then the alternatives will vary from the alternatives suggested for corporate bankruptcy.

Alternatives to consumer or individual bankruptcy

Consumer credit counseling company- finding a credit counseling company is really a very good alternative as it helps in giving debt management tips. These non-profit counseling service providers help to manage your money. These companies on your behalf negotiate with the creditors to settle down your debts through a nominal repayment scheme. You can also approach to National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) or Association of Independent Consumer Credit Agencies (AICCA) in US for credit counseling advice. But any debtor should also check the legitimacy of the credit counseling agency and its affiliation to a national body.

Debt reduction scheme- NFCC certified counselor can suggestbest debt reduction choice and the consumer is assured a certain level of expertise in the realm of credit counseling. Moreover debt reduction programs can help the debtor to get relief from almost 50% of the credit.

Debt consolidation- debt consolidation is yet another alternative to bankruptcy. Here the debtor with multiple loans is benefited the most. Debt consolidation agencies provide singleloan to the debtor with nominal interest for settling their multipleloans. Corporate houses can also opt for bankruptcy alternative such as debt restructuring or reorganizations.

Student Loan Consolidation -- How To Make A Wise

Posted on 2010-06-09 | 0 Comment

Debt consolidation feels like instant freedom.

When you can not easily manage your debt, bundling it all up seems like a good idea. The most common way to do this is a debtconsolidation loan. This loan takes all of your debts and wraps them into one loan.

Don't confuse it with bankruptcy, though. You still have to pay this money back. You are simply refinancing the money that you have borrowed.

Before you do this, you should know both sides of the story.

On The Good Side

Manage your money much easier with just 1 bill to pay each month. Gone is the anxiety as each bill comes in, like a Chinese water torture. Instead of incomprensible statements from credit cards, gas cards, student loans, and car loans, it can seem a blessing to get them down into one payment.

You'll get lower monthly payments. Since everything is tied into one payment, the amount that you need to pay monthly can be quite a bit lower.

Your interest rate is often lowered too. This is especially true on high rate credit cards.

Probably the biggest benefit is that you will not have to deal with creditors anymore.

On The Bad Side

It is crucial to realize that your debt is still your debt. It hasn't lessened and it hasn't gone away. You still have to pay it off.

It may take longer to pay off the debt. Because you have a lower monthly payment, you are likely to pay longer to get the loandown.

You will pay more in the long run. Finance charges and interest rates add up and they stretch out the amount that you owe for a longer period of time.

You will often need to secure your loan through property.

It may let you believe that you are more secure than you actually are. You may think that your debt is under control. And, you may think that you can keep spending now. That is not a good idea at all.

The Balance

When it comes to deciding on debt consolidation, look at all of the pros and cons.

You should shop around to find the lender who will offer you thebest consolidation loan. You should examine the interest rate, the amount loaned, and whether it is a fixed or an adjustable rateloan.

You should know the type of consolidation loan that you qualify for and what the underlying factors are. Make sure to include whether you have a good credit rating, if you own equity, and whether you have a good amount of income coming in.

There are other forms of debt consolidation as well. One good one is a credit counseling service. These organizations help by working between you and the creditor. They can help to negotiate a lower interest rate from some lenders, as well as teach you how to more effectively manage your money.

Whichever path you choose, do it before the choices are taken away from you.

The Truth About Student Loan Consolidation

Posted on 2010-06-08 | 0 Comment

You did it
Finally, you've completed your education and now you are facing a mountain of student loan repayment notices. They might or might not be from the same lender, and possible they come from more than one degree from different universities. Right now you should be considering consolidation of student loans that dry out you wallet.

Necessary evil
Student loans are a necessary evil for students who can't afford to pay for their education expenses. It is definitely a better alternative to loan money, than it is to charge a credit card with shameful interest rates. But when those interest statements and payment notices start coming in you mail, it can be a bit scary.

Extra money
Remember the semester where you had to borrow a little extra money? Maybe you could not work as much in that period or because of other reasons. You got to eat right. Food is one of those things that you simply cannot live without. Unfortunately, not all that money was spent on necessities. Be honest now. Which is why you're properly now are facing your student loan statements in total denial. I am sure it was a fun time back then.

Avoid paying more interest
Of course you have already received solicitations from lenders that have their main focus on consolidation of student loans. You should consider this. Avoid paying more interest than you have to. One thing you must do before you consolidate studentloans is to research the market and pick the best option.

Federal law
Federal law mandates that a borrower have to consolidate with the lender that lends the loans if the borrower has all loans with the same lender. If they are held by more than one lender, the borrower is free to consolidate with any of the lenders that are in the federal student loan consolidation program.

Consolidate once
Borrowers may only consolidate once. Depending on the lender there may be additional fees involved. Some companies advertise absurdly low interest rates or reduction of payment, fast approval, or other incentives. Be aware of them and make sure you read the fine print on all your offers for consolidation ofstudent loans.

The student loan consolidation solution
Consolidation of student loans may sound like it is difficult, but it is not. If all your loans are held at the same lender it shouldn't be hard. Like student financial aid that has come from Department of Education or Sallie Mae Loans are easy to consolidate. The process can be started online for your convenience. There are some good incentives offered: reduction of interest rate up to 2% after 24 repeated withdrawal payments.Consolidation of student loans is a vital financial decision. Select it with as much care as when you picked a college major and applied for a student loan.

Your Guide to Student Loan Consolidation

Posted on 2010-06-07 | 0 Comment

Student loan consolidation program is popular among those students who wish to combine their unsettled obligations into aloan. Nowadays, government in most countries offers Studentloans in supports for the payment of their expenses in colleges and universities.

This program aims to help the borrowers in paying the cost of their education in low interest rates depending on one's credit and financial status. The consolidated loans have a fixed monthly interest rate for the entire duration.

The parent and the student shall consolidate their loansseparately. They cannot combine their loans, because the same person can only attain consolidation. Married student cannot also combine their loans together with their partner in accordance to the provision that was revoked effective July 1, 2006.

When married students combine their loans, both of them will be responsible for the full amount. The consolidated loans cannot be break up for any reasons. In order to avoid the occurrence of this problem if the couple gets divorce, Congress rescinded this provision as part of the Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005.

Enumerated below are the two means in acquiring information regarding student loans.

1. Through the internet, borrowers can easily find institutions that offer lowest interest rates and they can make instructive comparisons. It also offers fastest and reliable source of data regarding this program, it answers the essential questions that the borrowers may inquire. Moreover, through this technology they can easily apply for the student loan consolidation program in their most convenient time.

2. Financial aid office of any learning institution can provide thorough information regarding the loan program for thestudent. The student and the institution were the only two parties involve in the loan program. However, there were, only a limited Postsecondary who participates in loan consolidation, nevertheless the borrowers can assure in simple, fast, and direct transactions.

Before an individual engages into the student loanconsolidation, she/he has to consider some of the important factors. Firstly she/he has to keep in her/his mind that a studentloan consolidation does not lessen the amount of debt; it only reduces the payment each month, but it can only prolong the time for her/him to pay the loans she/he have and increases entirely the loans obtained.

The maximum year that the consolidation shall allow the borrowers to pay back the loan is 30 years. Moreover, this could mean an added interest to the loans. Secondly, the interest doubles if the loan cannot be pay in a monthly basis. One must assess the fee of paying back her/his loans that are not combine compare when she/he will merge them.

Lastly, loans that were been consolidated cannot be pulled back so he/she have to be well-informed regarding the program before taking some relevant action.

The following are the expenses that must considered in grantingstudent loans.

University fees such as the entrance fee, examination fees, miscellaneous fees such as laboratory and library fees and purchasing of books. Traveling abroad for studies have been consider in granting loans, with these corresponding expense such as the board and lodging.

How to apply for Student Loans Consolidation

She/he has to fill up an application form, which can be secure in any of institutions granting student loans like the Federal Family Education Loan Program or they can directly obtain it from the US Department of Education.

In any case, the terms and conditions are generally the same. She/he has to answer accordingly all the needed information to avoid confusion on the part of the lender. Therefore, the loan will be process immediately.

She/he has to prepare one of the following financial statements: Bank or credit account, proof of income or any financial records. These statements can greatly help in calculating for the interest rate of the loan and in paying it.

She/he has to acquire the list of expenses for the course they are taking up; this is applicable for the current student.

Remember that one should understand that once the loans were been consolidated, it has no turning back. One should be confident and understand all the essential information regarding theStudent Loans Consolidation. Borrowers can only consolidate once; she/he has to be sure with the financial action she/he will make before losing money because of wrong attempt.

Federal Student Loan Consolidation for Teachers

Posted on 2010-06-06 | 0 Comment

The average teaching student graduates with over $18,000.00 in student loan debt. After interest is added you could be paying a total of almost $40,000.00, so it is extremely important to make sure you are getting the best deal possible with your loanconsolidation. You will probably have both federal and privateloans but for this article we will be dealing with only your federalloans.

Grace period -
One of the benefits to a federal student loan is you don't have to start making payments until 6 months after graduation. Perkinsloans have a 9 month grace period. You do still gather interest during this time on your unsubsidized loans so you may want to go ahead and start making payments anyway.

Forgiveness -
There are a couple programs that offer student loan forgiveness for teachers. With the Stafford Loan Forgiveness program you could be eligible for up to $5000.00 in forgiveness and up to $17,500.00 if you meet certain requirements such as teaching math, science or special ed to low income students. Eligibility doesn't start until you have taught for 5 years, and there are other requirements such as -

o You must not have had active student loans on Oct 1, 1998.

o Your must be employed for 5 consecutive complete years and your school must have been designated a low income school at least the first year you taught there.

o You are not in default on the loans you are seeking forgiveness for.
Consolidation will not affect the right to forgiveness for Staffordloans.

The Perkins forgiveness program will forgive up to 100%
of your loan if you are:

o a full-time teacher employed in public or nonprofit elementary or secondary schools in districts eligible for ESEA Title I-A funding, where the percentage of children from low-income families enrolled in the school exceeds 30% of total enrollment, or

o a full-time special education teacher in public or nonprofit elementary or secondary schools (including teachers of infants and toddlers) or qualifies professional providers of early intervention services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), or

o a full-time teacher of math, science, foreign languages, bilingual education, or other fields determined to have a shortage by the state educational agency.
The Perkins forgiveness loan is forgiven based on the following scheduled:
For full-time teacher

o 15% for each of years one and two

o 20% for each of years three and four

o 30% for year five and each successive year

For full-time special education teacher

o 15% for each year of service

Perkins loans are not eligible for forgiveness if they have been consolidated.
In addition you may be eligible for forgiveness by state. Check for the availability in your state here.

Consolidation -

Once you have decided if you will be eligible for forgiveness or not it's time to start making those payments. A federal student loanconsolidation can help you do that more affordably by extending your repayment term and lowering your payment and interest rate. Compare the terms of several consolidationcompanies and choose the one who will save you the most money and has the best customer service. It can be hard to compare different types of repayment incentives programs so ask for the bottom line - how much will you be paying in total interest. The company should have actual people available to answer your questions and they should be courteous and knowledgeable. You have many choices in lenders pick one that will deliver for you.
You must give up what is left of your grace period when you consolidate so if you aren't ready to start making the payments time it so your consolidation is funded right at the end. Generally a consolidation takes 4-6 weeks so you should have your company picked out and an application underway by about 4 months after graduation..

Repaying your student loans can be a daunting task but with a little forgiveness and the help of a good student loan advisor we can take some of the sting out of it.

ACS Student Loans: Saving You Time And Money

Posted on 2010-06-05 | 0 Comment Learn how ACS Student Loans can make your life a whole lot easier. Find out which student loan programs will work best for you!

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How to Reduce Student Loan Debt Effectively

Posted on 2010-06-03 | 0 Comment

Student loans are a great way to help pay or completely pay for college schooling. The costs of paying for higher education are getting more and more expensive with no end to increase in sight. Often people are left with no other option for paying for their education than with student loans. By end of your education you are left with mounting debts and an all to close deadline to start paying them back. Having student loans often gives a sense of security and confidence allowing focus to be on schooling and success, but once school is over the reality of those loans follows close after graduation.

Knowledge is Key

Too often students do not have all the information they need regarding the type of loan they have signed. A student's life can be a messy and busy one. It is important to keep track of all important documentation in regards to your student loans. Once graduation comes it is time to pull those papers back out. If you end up moving in the direction of a consolidation having all of the paperwork handy will save you time and hassle.

Consolidations Loans

By the end of college when you come to graduation it can be an unhappy surprise to get a large bill from your student loanlender. The best way to go about lowering those student loandebts is to try a consolidation loan. With a consolidationloan your rate is fixed. This means that you don't have to worry about the fluctuations of a variable interest rate. You will know what your payments will be and for how long you will need to pay them.

There is a difference between and private loan and a federal loan. It is important to know the specific differences between each to know which one is best for you. A federal consolidation will offer you a fixed rate at federal guidelines. It is a one size fits all situation. With a private student loan consolidation a private institution is going to make their decisions based off of your current financial situation.

Searching Online

Searching online can give you so many different options and is thebest place to start looking. Make a list of your questions and needs before your search starts. Knowing ahead of time what you need will make the process of finding the best lender much easier. There are also many loan calculators available online. These tools will help you run the numbers of what you can afford and what type of loan will work best for you without ever talking to a lender. Having this information ahead of meeting with a studentloan consolidation lender will give you more power in the conversation and make it easier for you to really make sure you needs are met.

Credit Card Debt - Eliminate Unsecured Debt Legally

Posted on 2010-06-02 | 0 Comment

The emergence of credit card over usage has a direct correlation to a lack of proper financial management on the part of the consumer. Part of the blame also has to fall on the lap of the financial institutions who were only taking advantage of the regulations put in place by congress, so there is plenty of blame to go around. This economic meltdown can be linked directly to the housing boom where credit was handed out to anyone who could sign the documents, having mortgages originated with no income documentation, interest only loans and option arms; which turned into negative amortization, since borrowers could not afford to pay the 30 or 15-year option and relied on the minimum payment which did not even cover the interest due on a monthly basis. The end result created a situation where the loan balance was actually increasing on a monthly basis. This loose credit environment also allowed consumers to rack up credit card debts that were averaging more than $10,000.00 per household.

The good news is that there are alternatives for consumers who have accumulated debts they can no longer sustain. They can be solved legally and that is only possible if you look for a debt settlement company that is attorney based. This form of settlement can be found online and you can locate a legitimate company by visiting their website and asking the right questions. Are they truly attorney based? Do they spread their legal fees out over longer period of time, for example 15-24 months? Non-attorney based companies charge fees up front and the consumer does not begin their saving plan for 5-8 months, not good for obvious reasons. Do you start building your savings account from month one? Do they charge a flat fee? (What you should look for) Are there additional charges, enrollment and administrative fees? ( This dramatically increases the fee you pay overall and is not thebest option)

There are many legal based companies that can reduce your debt by 40-60 percent; in some cases it can be reduced by 70%. You usually need at least $10,000.00 in unsecured debt. The company you are dealing with should have a qualifying process to determine whether or not debt settlement is appropriate for your particular situation. They should be looking at your net income, your monthly obligations and the cost of the savings plan they are recommending. The bottom line should be that they are entering you into a plan that offers a clear benefit to you. If they are not asking these questions look elsewhere for help. It is important to understand that there are other options available to consumers who are in over their head with debt. They are as follows,consolidation, credit counseling, settlement or bankruptcy through which a complete write off of your debt can be done, if the court agrees.

The options referenced above are effective based on the type of liability and the amount of debt involved. If you have ample income and a low amount of debt, consolidation or credit counseling could work and you would pay the debt off on a monthly basis. If you happen to have a large number of outstanding debts and are struggling to makes ends meet, then it would be wise to choose settlement. Bankruptcy should be the last option that you consider.

Attorney based debt settlement is clearly the better option than bankruptcy and due to the staggering amount of consumer debt today, creditors are very eager to reach a settlement agreement. For more information visit our website at or call 1-877-293-0008 and we would be happy to conduct a free financial analysis to determine if debt settlement is the proper path for you

Debt Consolidation - Can Bill Consolidation Positively

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Debt consolidation and credit rating are invariably linked. When you are looking to consolidate your debts, there are bound to be impacts to your credit score. These impacts can be good or bad, depending on the type of debt consolidation you use. Here are some common methods of debt consolidation and how they impact your credit rating.

Many people looking for debt consolidation have high credit card balances. credit cards are considered to be revolving balances. This means that the amount of debt will raise and lower periodically. Having too much revolving credit can have a negative impact on your credit score because this is unpredictable debt. So, the best way to consolidate credit card debt is with a fixed rate loan. This will lower your revolving debt balance and help boost your score. Just don't use those cards again or close them all at once. Closing the cards will negatively impact your credit rating.

Now, don't think that credit cards are all that you can consolidate. Personal loans, car loans, student loans, and more can be put into one loan to help you save money and raise your credit score. Each time a loan is paid off, your credit score will go up. So, if you have loans that can be consolidated, go for it!

Probably the cheapest way to consolidate debt is to use the equity in your home. This will afford you the lowest rate with the longest terms. This will allow you to have a lower payment, which will make your monthly budget a little easier to manage. Now if you don't own your own home, don't lose heart. There are still plenty of personal loans out there to help you get a handle on your debt. Check your local banks as well as online to score the best deal on a debt consolidation loan.

Many people choose to go through a debt consolidationcompany. This is a whole different type of debt consolidationand will impact your credit differently. These companies deal with your creditors to help lower rates and work out a repayment plan that is more advantageous. Most people who go this route are already having trouble making payments, and as a result, their credit rating has suffered. Debt consolidation companies can help you raise your credit score, but it will take a while. In the short term, your credit rating may drop, but you will see it steadily rise if you stick with your debt consolidation plan.

There are many ways that consumers can deal with debtconsolidation and credit rating. The option that works best for one person does not necessarily fit another person's situation. It isbest to explore all options for debt consolidation. Credit rating is directly linked to the type of debt consolidation that you choose, so make sure that you make an informed decision.

Federal Student Loans vs. Private Student Loans

Posted on 2010-05-27 | 0 Comment
Few students can afford to pay for college out of their savings, so they use student loans to pay for school. Two major categories of student loans include federal loans and private loans.

Because we believe that it is important to understand your education-funding options, this article investigates the difference between federal and private student loans.

These days, there are very few students who can afford to pay for college without some form of education financing. Two-thirds of undergraduate students have some debt, while 88% of law students need to borrow to finance their education. A typical undergraduate may graduate with more than $20,000 of debt, while graduate students may have significantly higher indebtedness. Law school students may graduate with an average of $80,000 in student loans. Typically, students have acquired both federal and private debt, but what are the differences between these types of loans? And is one better than the other? Read on for an explanation of both categories of student loans.

Many students rely on federal student loans to help finance their education. The most common federal loan is a Stafford Loan. These may be issued directly from the government to the student, or they may be issued by a private lender, such as a bank or credit union, belonging to the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP). Either way, these loans are guaranteed against default by the federal government.

Something else to remember about Stafford Loans is they may be subsidized or unsubsidized. If you are eligible for a subsidized Stafford Loan, the government will pay the interest while you are in school. Subsidized Stafford Loans are generally given to students who can demonstrate financial need. If you receive an unsubsidized Stafford Loan, you will be responsible for paying all of the interest, although you may have the payments deferred until after graduation. If you choose to defer paying the interest until after graduation, the interest will be capitalized, or added to the loan amount. To qualify for an unsubsidized Stafford Loan, you do not need to demonstrate financial need.

The amount of your Stafford Loan will vary depending on your year in school. However, graduate students may borrow up to $18,500 each year (with $8,500 being subsidized) with a combined limit for graduate and undergraduate federal loans of $65,500 for dependent students. If you are an independent student, the cumulative limit you may borrow is $138,500 for your graduate and undergraduate studies.

Stafford Loans have variable interest rates, based on the 91-day T-bill, and this interest rate is adjusted each year on July 1. Stafford Loans have an interest rate cap of 8.25%. All lenders offer the same base rate for Stafford loans because the interest rate is predetermined by the government, although many lenders offer payment incentives and/or discounts to help you reduce your interest rate further. Another benefit of federal loans is you may lock in a fixed interest rate if you choose to consolidate your federal student loans. That way, you will not be affected by adjustments in the interest rate each year.

Students who use Stafford Loans to finance their education will also enjoy a six-month grace period before they begin repaying their loans. The grace period starts upon graduation or any time the student's enrollment status drops below half-time. During this grace period, no payments for interest or principal are required. Additionally, in times of financial difficulty, students may be able to defer their payments or apply for a period of forbearance until their situation improves. Federal loans generally qualify for up to two years of forbearance over the life of the loan.

Private student loans have many differences from federal student loans. However, if used properly, they may also be effective tools for education funding. Private education loans are issued by lenders such as banks and credit unions. They are regulated by the federal government, but there are no guarantees against default.

The main difference between federal loans and private loans is that private loans are credit-based. This means that your eligibility is determined by your credit rating. Requirements do vary by lender, but most private lenders will allow you to use a cosigner, or co-borrower, to qualify for a private loan. Furthermore, private lenders may require proof of income from the student or a cosigner before the student is approved for a loan.

The amount you may receive from a private lender also varies. Oftentimes, the loan amount is based on an amount set by your school. However, some private lenders set their own limits and allow students to use the funds for whatever financial needs the student may have. This includes housing, transportation, purchasing a computer, tuition, etc.

Another difference between federal and private student loans is in interest rates. Generally, private loans will have a higher interest rate than federal loans, and the interest rate for private loans will always be variable, even after consolidation. Also, the student's (or cosigner's) credit score may have an effect on the interest rate. Many private lenders start at a prime interest rate and then add a margin depending on the credit score. If the borrower does not have good credit, the interest rate will be higher.

Repayment plans also differ by lender for private loans. However, private lenders may not offer benefits such as forbearance or deferment in times of financial hardship. They also may not offer a grace period, and some private lenders require that the interest payments be made while the student is in school, although most lenders have repayment options to allow deferment of the principal until the student graduates. Also, like federal loans, the repayment term is often 10 or more years for private education loans.

If you are a student, plan to become a student, or are a parent of a student, it is important for you to understand your education-funding options. Private and federal loans may be effectively used in combination to fill in the financial gaps. Regardless of the type of loan you use, remember that it is not free money and it must be repaid. Choose your lender carefully, and weigh your options. After all, you will likely be repaying your education loans for many years to come.

Need-based Student Loan

Posted on 2010-05-26 | 0 Comment
A need-based student loan is ideally suited for students whose financial condition is not good but they want to finish their education. Before availing a need-based student loan, make sure the repayment schedule is set on the basis of your financial condition. When this is the case, you will be able to repay the loan amount without any hassle. Read the terms and conditions of the loan carefully before signing the agreement paper.

Features of Need-based Student Loans
  • Offered by the federal government, the rate of interest of need based student loans are normally quite low. The most famous need based student loan is the Stafford loan, which you can avail at a fixed interest rate.
  • You do not need to repay the principal loan until you graduation. This process is commonly known as a deferred payment loan.
  • You get a grace period of six months following graduation with these loans. During this period, there is no pressure on you to pay anything.
  • In comparison to other loan packages, you will find the approval procedure for need based student loans is relatively straightforward. You just need to fill out the loan application form correctly and the loan will be accredited to your student account with your school in a matter of days.
Kinds of Need-based Student Loans

There are four kinds of need based student loans available: Perkins, Subsidized Stafford Loans, Unsubsidized Stafford Loans and Plus loans. The main advantage of these loans is that you do not need to pay anything while you are studying.

To avail Perkins loans, you need to contact the financial aid office for application payment details. If you are interested in getting Subsidized Stafford loan, you will need to pay a fixed interest rate. Similar to the Perkins loan, you do not need to pay any money while you are in school. No credit check will be implemented when you apply for a Subsidized Stafford loan. Unsubsidized Stafford loans are different in the sense that you need to pay monthly installments on the interest even if you have not graduated

Student Loan consolidation - Your guide to financial freedom

Posted on 2010-05-24 | 0 Comment

As a student is difficult. Over the years, a visit to the school, you're not dealing only with academic issues, but more than often in financial difficulties. settlements with multiple accounts and financial projects, the possibility of incurring some debt. And now that you have completed the debt repayment by far the next scenario. But with student loan consolidation, you can now save more money, and go through the process of recovery. ItType of consolidation offers, you do not have to pay more to several lenders, but to solve their debt payments in one month will be paid on the basis of and Transact with a lender.

student loans loan investors tend to give you the freedom of six months (after the student) for the equilibrium states will be straightened one. The various student loans at different rates and different payment methods, the student, how canlenders were separate pay at different rates during the month. Here is the concept of consolidation in the picture. To eliminate a number of loan payments, more and more students choose to consolidate their loans at a less than payment obligations. Yes, that's when you try to consolidate jobs, a good student loan,there are things that are used must be decisive.

Interest rates
As a student you probably havevery limited finances. So, if you find the best consolidation package, make sure that the greatest interest and especially the industry in pursuit of the lowest. Once you have a deep understanding of when a loan, it is always helpful tips loans do not go for fixed interest rate. Let us not be misled by the variable rate - for this type will change from time to time and depends on the market index. Therefore, beforeCompletion of the transaction and put the signature, as borrower, the study of interest rates and try to compare it with those offered by other companies of the loan.

Payment Terms
Many students usually offer loans directly, without audit and control the most important aspects of obtaining one in. Another important aspect should be paying attention for the duration of the loan or years. Garner, in a good interest rate, you have to at least the minimum amount duethis time in order to avoid entry into higher interest rates for the duration of the process and the life of your student loans.

The possibility of leniency
Look for a student loan consolidation package that leniency policy is most especially important if the need arises. Delay is of great importance because it provides protection and security for the borrower, should unexpected circumstances such as unemployment, illness or disability. Itserves as the right of individual borrowers more time to all the doubts and pay your outstanding balance are given.

Other options
consolidate student loans online offer low interest rates and payments. So if you do not have the time to the lender to go physically, on-line secure Web site for a particular investor, the company loans possible.

Student loan loans tips

Posted on 2010-05-21 | 0 Comment
The cost of going to college is getting more expensive each year and many young adults are taking out student loans to pay for their education. Before you sign any papers for a student loan, here are some quick tips to keep in mind:

Complete the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA).
Completing a FAFSA helps determine for which federal assistance programs you qualify. Some federal assistance programs, such as grants, give money that does not need to be repaid to students to pay for college, while federally guaranteed loans are low interest rate loans that must be repaid. It is wise to borrow as much of your needed amount from federal sources first before borrowing from private lenders. Learn about the benefits of federal student loans

Shop around and compare loan features.
If you need to take out a private loan, compare agreements offered by lenders to see which one best fits your needs. Questions to ask include:
  • What is the interest rate?
  • How often will the interest rate change?
  • When do repayments begin?

Unemployed with Student Loans?

Posted on 2010-05-20 | 1 Comment

It seems like a cosmic joke for many post-grads – you pay all this money for a college degree, you graduate, and now you can’t find a job. Worse, you’re expected to start paying off those student loans.

One way to make life a little easier is to defer your student loans. Deferment essentially suspends student loan repayment based on certain situations, unemployment being one of them. You are allowed to defer your loans up to three years.

One of the drawbacks of deferment is that the interest rate remains variable and could adjust frequently by the time you are able to start making payments. However, if you consolidate your federal student loans prior to applying for deferment, you can lock in the interest rate and lower your eventual monthly payment.

Graduating? Consider student loan loans consolidation.

Posted on | 1 Comment

It’s that time of the year again folks; the end of finals for the Class of [insert this year here]. If you’re part of the graduating class, you likely have your Commencement soon or have already taken the walk of glory to get your degree. Congratulations!

This post is devoted to you (yes, you!) to make sure that you start off your life as a degree holder right, with as little financial confusion or anxiety as possible. To get started, I recommend you take a second to read my blog post on exit counseling.

Once you have chosen your repayment plan, it is time to consider your current financial picture. Do you have a full-time job lined up already? If not, are you working part-time?

More than likely, you will have some sort of job when you graduate… so the question becomes one of how much can you afford in living expenses per month. Depending on the amount (and type) of loans you took out for school and the repayment plan you selected, the monthly payments may still be out of your reach by the end of your grace period.

Do I have any alternatives if I can’t afford my payments? Absolutely. A student loan consolidation can significantly reduce your monthly payments at the expense of lengthening the repayment term for your loans. For federal loans, if you selected the “extended repayment plan”, this won’t really apply to you. Where consolidation really shines is private student loans.

Depending on your credit (or with the help of a creditworthy co-signer), a private student loan consolidation can net you an excellent variable interest rate with a longer repayment plan. The result: lower monthly payments, but more interest paid overall.

Although this trade-off might leave you wondering which is the lesser of the two evils, I say with certainty (being extremely familiar with the process and how personal finance works) that it is in your best interest to be able to make your monthly payments consistently every month instead of letting any of your loans go delinquent or even drop into default. The latter will do nothing but destroy your credit and leave you in a tough situation for years.